Завтра - The Morrow

My soul confined to sorrows sad caress
Embraces grief to languish limitless
It flails within the shadow of distress
Upon the fallow fields of sole duress.

Imprisoned without glory to decay
In shuttles of love's sadness and dismay
Pernicious passion plucks the rare bouquet
And strips the petals of all hope away

Embodied by seclusions dismal haze
To live and bleed in memories sweet maze
A mindless gust abducts by charms to daze
As choirs of visions set my soul ablaze

My Lord upon the morrow of demise
From stygian tomb my lonely spirit rise
On tender mercy bear me to the skies
Beyond the tragic love and acrid cries

Authors: © Copyright 2007 Mattie Sue Dubois (Дарк Муун - Dark Moon) and (Леон Татис)


БезУтешно дух страдает
В безмерной печали своей
Рыдая, во мраке блуждает
Сурового Дита полей.

В жестокий полон взят бесславно
Цепями любовной тоски
Сорвал Купидон своенравно
Надежды цветка лепестки.

И дух в одиночестве томном
Лишь сладкими грезами жив,
И брошен он ложью и сонмом
Видений в безумный порыв.

Отчаявшись, дух в созерцании
Рассвета оставил свой склеп
Излиться в бессмертном мерцании
В любовных терзаниях слеп.

Авторы: Леон Татис и Дарк Муун

Особенная благодарность Федор Клочков за редактирование русского перевода

ART by Kirsi Salonen www.kirsisalonen.com

Frankly speaking, I liked more the English version.:) Simply because of the verse meter - it's nearer to me than that in the Russian translation; looks like a Shakespear's sonnet, really.:)

Don't think that I forgot you! I was so busy lately but I visited your web-site, it's wonderful! And the picture that "Twilight Trill" is accompanied by is really beautiful. Of course, I would like to see my poetry and music on your web-site - for that you can use all the songs that I have on RealMusic web-site and all the lyrics to them. Internet address is www.realmusic.ru/aelirenn/ I'm only beginning to record my songs that's why there are not so many of them there. But I'm going on - the first album is ready (at least at that moment; later I can create something that would be right for this album and as such it would be extended). The second one will be completed in a couple of days. If you want to, you can put on your web-site my translations of "Blackmore's Night" and others.

Did I managed the role of the "Highest Permission"?;)

With love,

Аэлирэнн   11.07.2007 17:45     Заявить о нарушении
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am also glad to have you on our website. It will take me a few days to work up the layout and get everything arranged but I will get in touch with you prior to posting. I too have been busy so I can surely understand. I will try to work on it some at night. Congratulations on your Albums!

Hugs Sue

Мэтти Дубоис   13.07.2007 03:16   Заявить о нарушении