
 I’m so lost without you
 That I don’t know who I am any more
 I’m so lost without you
 That I can’t see any reasons to stay alive
 I’m so lost without you
 That my soul is tearing apart & I’m suffering
 I’m so lost without you
 That all there’s left of my heart is a bloody mess
 I’m so lost without you
 That walking my path in this world feels like dying
 I’m so lost without you
That there is such emptiness inside of me like I’m already dead
 I’m so lost without you
That I can’t trust this feeling that’s invading my whole being anymore
 I’m so lost without you
That I wish I could yank my heart out of my chest just to stop this ache
 I’m so lost without you
That I want to cry out your name to heavens until my voice is broken
 I’m so lost without you
That I hate mirrors because it’s your eyes I want to se my reflection in
 I’m so lost without you
 That my body’s in pain craving for your gentle touch
 I’m so lost without you
 That I’m not sure I can wait for you forever

Good work! I like the repetition - makes it sound like a chanting...

Вячеслав Беляев   29.06.2007 00:42     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you sooo much!!! It's really important for me to get some reviews on my work))) And it's more like pray than chanting))
Thanks again,Marina

Марина Фордвэкс   30.06.2007 14:21   Заявить о нарушении