
I was torn into pieces by destiny blade,
I have lost all my dreams on the crossroad of time,
With no chance to decide whether true was or fake,
There is nothing to call or consider as mine.

All the words are just splinters amidst waves of faith,
I am trying to match to all parts of life puzzle
And I can't still find out if it's torment or grace
To have spirit and goals flying high above bustle.

So I'll hide in the depth of my heart
All the tears and nameless despair
Stand all storms, heartless winds without falling apart
Play the best of my part at the vanity-fair.

Именно ТО!!! Спасибо за внимание, приятно. ;))) Талант проявляется многогранно - фотка дух захватывает.

Ксения Дар   21.06.2007 18:00   Заявить о нарушении