Give me your strength and wisdom, make me strong
Let me have love, and learn to laugh, a little...
Though, never-ever leave me,Dear Lord…
Please never-ever let me live in fear,
My Dear Father,don’t get me lost!
My tortured broken heart is all in tears...
Please, love your Daughter, my Dear Lord!
I want success,and happiness and glory,
I want have peace with comfort in my soul...
I know,Dear Father, you are as always worring,
I know that I'm always in your thoughts.
My Dearest loving Teacher, I will try
Become the best disciple in Your School.
I won't make you ever feel ashamed, but proud!
I’d rather die then hurt You acting fool!
The Greatest Spirit, Let me live my life!
Please,open to your secrets all the doors!
To reach my dreams, I'll learn to fly...
I'll grow wings to reach the Heaven though…
Creator, please don’t be so tough on me!
Forgive my old mistakes and all my wrongs!
Please, teach me how to believe
In Fairness and Love of yours...
Oh, King of all! Please, fill my every need
With all your heart and generosity...
Give your protection and defense to me
For me be able fight the animosity ...
You Highness,please allow me have friends,
Their admiration, and respect in all...
Make me a wealthy woman giving health,
Intellegence along with all the talanets and a goal...
My Master, when I ask you to forgive me,
Review my daily prayers and my psalms,
Then may be daily sins of mine will be released,
Because of love and patience that you own!
My loving Father, when I'm down, never leave me:
Please honor me with strength and make me strong
I want you uderstand me, аnd, beleive in...
And also, always stay with me, My Dear Lord!
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