The King of Clubs

The king of clubs, the king of empty bottles
I’d sell my soul to fix your broken heart.
My hand pulled out again the Evil Card
I’m lost in caustic smoke…
C’mon my joker, stop that crazy laughing,
The queen is dead, she’s covered by the king.
And hearts for hearts, that’s such a funny thing!
Love was a stupid joke.
What is the trump? The jack of spades won’t help you.
He’s lost his spade on wooden battleground.
I’m holding in my hand the final card.
Go on, the king of clubs!
Go on, go on, the final bottle’s empty,
The battle’s won, what do you need for grace?
But thru the smoke I see your fading face…
And hear the joker’s laughs.
You’ve lost, the king of clubs…
