You should drive sometime far away...

You should drive sometime far away
and stop in a middle of the nowhere.
And look up above in the sky
to see what is really there.
Don’t seek for God - search for Soul;
Don’t ask me how I know
simply just do so.
Open eyes for a mystic, enchanting light;
beyond infinity mystery hides.
Solar Wind brought space dust - seeds for a conceive.
Inside a womb of the Black Hole
infant grows and feeds.
Scream of a mother who died during birth
will stay with a Galaxy Child in a ocean of the star - tears.
Oecumenical dilemma - who started timeless world?
Some say: “Omnipotent Wizard”.
Some say: “Gods of the Adepts”.
But question will be left forever, unanswered;
up high, above our comfortable remains.
No one will ever find origins
of those who whole life began,
But spark of the true wisdom
will arise in the eyes of the our suns...

January 25, 1997
wrt: Andrey Prudnikov


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