Embodiment of horror

Ther's a stone in the cloudy dale
Where statues stay all dark and grim,
And great mad Arab, there he lay,
Gaunt griffins soaring o'er him.
The statues gathered round the stone,
They're calling Master to appear...
Dreadful Ktulu wll creep out,
Poor Arab is trembling in fear.

Ktulu...embodiment of horror.
Ktulu will come in the morrow.

The Serpеnt's creeping belching flame,
Great Ktulu hath left his hole.
Statues are whispering His holy name
And pour blood into a bowl.
The Serpеnt upon the stone...
Now He's loking in Arab's eyes.
Great Ktulu is enthroned -
Tartarian Deity of Vice.

Ktulu... A monster from the night
Creeping in the morning light.
