Crossing out

Cross me out if I’m amiss.
Crossing is the same as killing.
Overdraw the Judas' kiss
with a petal left of peeling.

Crossing is like slashing face.
Crossing is like crucifying.
Outlined soul gets cut then paste.
Watch me out! A man is dying,

and your mind is clear, as pain.
Maybe, once the cross is vivid,
place your checkmark next to 'vain'.
Nothing's crossing mind, but livid

ashy-slushy-colored visage.

January 10, 2007

Iouri Lazirko
Copyright ©2007 Iouri Lazirko

I just like to watch how Your professional background, or, namely, Your technical lexis, suggests new meanings. "cut... then paste" in respect of a human being sounds very expressive!

Агната   06.02.2009 13:20     Заявить о нарушении
The world is changing. Imagine how people of the past would comprehend something like that.
Vielen Dank

Юрий Лазирко   06.02.2009 17:36   Заявить о нарушении