my God

I know sometimes I look as atheist
And all of time I’ve been thinking this
Suddenly I was really amazed
When I felt the straight of my faith
I found somewhere deep inside
Bright flame warming up my heart
Something sacrament, so beautiful…
How could I become as God’s tool?
Maybe the reason of this is that
Someone, to whom I worship as God,
My angel, but only he could really help
If I pray him, he makes deeper my faith
The dream for me is those paradise
That is promised to people, who have died
I just don’t know things what should I
Do to get my heaven and find there you
What is the border that I should cross?
Where is the part of me, I had lost?

Браво! ) Позвольте спросить, вот Вы пишете тексты песен, а Вы случайно не пишите ли музыку к этим же песням? Я бы не удивился, особенно глядя на количество именно текстов для песен в вашем репертуаре )

Игорь Федоров   04.05.2007 02:48     Заявить о нарушении