
**The outcome of dialogue with inspiring poet Федор Клочков

Some crack-a-lack! alive or dead!
At birth a demon freaks their head
And to the will of crack they turn
A Dis-spawn infant born to burn!

D Minor Stop! Weepin’ on me!
Reflects the mirror constantly
A-wastin’ right before my eyes
Behold! My legacy - DEMISE

© Copyright 2007 Mattie Sue Dubois (Dark Moon)

Author Comments: After finding darkness in the light while reviewing, "Mirrors lying" (Макс Пэйн) and "No oblivion" (Федор Клочков) I came to the conclusion that my experience over the past few days has colored my view. I brought my daughter into the emergency room and while I was there all the ambulances that came in had dying children in them. Dying from drug overdoses and it saddened me so and it obviously haunts me. Sue

thank you for sharing, not only the poem, but the author's note as well... all the best, Di.

Ди Байжанов   23.09.2011 23:54     Заявить о нарушении
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