Some crack-a-lack! alive or dead!
At birth a demon freaks their head
And to the will of crack they turn
A Dis-spawn infant born to burn!
D Minor Stop! Weepin’ on me!
Reflects the mirror constantly
A-wastin’ right before my eyes
Behold! My legacy - DEMISE
© Copyright 2007 Mattie Sue Dubois (Dark Moon)
Author Comments: After finding darkness in the light while reviewing, "Mirrors lying" (Макс Пэйн) and "No oblivion" (Федор Клочков) I came to the conclusion that my experience over the past few days has colored my view. I brought my daughter into the emergency room and while I was there all the ambulances that came in had dying children in them. Dying from drug overdoses and it saddened me so and it obviously haunts me. Sue
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