Dream of a mosque

I`m gonna die in Cairo/ My dream of a golden glitter/Plays the whisper of sand-storm/Bloody tongue of my first man/Darkest night of my cold dream/Flamming paper of some-one`s laughter/Call me/Touch me/For my inky name/Was that mine/Ever more for/Long snake look earing/Brakes the silence of garish sunshine/Broad hint at/The mirage lover fondles/Limb looks like house of unknown God/Trembles down at my need/He leaves his bruise/Then asks wherefrom/Turn into the wind/Not to catch me/Still feel me/The feeling that fills me up/Thought of unknown God/Vivid vine lip closer/Clothers for sun/Devoted like enemy to his pride/Sandy book of your heart/Is not mine/Grandeur of your God/Zest with innocent victim/soar over your repentance/A mosque is a funnel for forgiveness/Did you ever thought of what had you done/ Tongue beading/Sweet dagger control/Fallen star is stopped/ Sky is too/ I`m gonna die in Cairo
