The music cleared for unit

Do you listen hard music
Which nobody understand?
When it’s wring your mind
And you can’t quiet stand?
It music plays loud,
It music wind up,
You try to be calm,
But later give up.
Cause standing calm
So hard as a rock,
It’s seizing by you,
Unnotion like fog.
Did you listen some once
How instruments ring,
When the singer stops
And later again sings?
It is wonderful moment
From all of the world,
When it’s making your mind
And you can’t pronounce word.
You can forget anything
You can leave all behind,
Tear yourself away
And you mustn’t to hide.
You coming off Earth
You wake up in to sky,
If you listen this music
It’s mean you can fly.
So as listen this music
Too few to be fan,
You must understand
How it music is done.
How sounds of music
Turn into voice,
When music created,
Musicians made choice.
A normal amateur,
An ordinary fan
Doesn’t throw to stars,
Whatever they’re kind.
Cause music is gift,
It is rarity skill,
It’s seldom is hard,
It is passing feel.
So my music so hard,
My music fulfilled,
That poems and screams
Their meaning so hilled.

26, September, 2002.
