A study in resistances

Eastern Sydney's sandstone cliffs

Each atom is an essay in resistances:
sandstone that was sediment millennia ago
writhing into patterns of the tides
along this eastern shelf,
cicatrice inured to brine's abrasiveness.

There is a titanic end-game
being played out on these cliffs:
surf's persistence versus face-off,
obduracy meets duress with edgy
attitudes to stress,
matter grudgingly withheld,
ceding substance by the gram;
crashing, vanquished, to their knees,
doomed by sea-conspiracies.

The cliffs evoke Promethean tenacity's
heroic stance, making light of aeons,
geology's long golden trance
whose soft and hard grains petrify
in sculpted shells and overhangs,
stratifying gleaming quartz
compressed by sibilance of sand,
burnished by the sun and wind and agile
water artisans to mythopoeic shoreline
as a fitting end to land.
