
i get lost... lost in a desert of words, said by people i never knew...
would i love them if i meet them one day?
would i recognize them?
would they feel embarrassed of me, the one that have read their thoughts?
would they be afraid of looking into my eyes?
what if i understand, they are all liars... how should i live with such a knowledge - in a desert of their words? would I become the same?
and what if all these words are truth?
would i stand it?

what if there'd be a day when I am asked of a desert... the desert of my own words... by the one who gets lost...
would I have the answer?

великолепно на английском и блестящий перевод на русском :) а написала на англ... - я слышала мнение психологов, что иногла людям легче говорить на не родном языке - так они чувтствуют себя свободнее - как будто бы не они говорят...


Елизавета Величутина   21.03.2007 21:44     Заявить о нарушении
Liz, aga:) eto materit'sja legche na chuzhom jazyke - vrode kak i ponaroshku, vrode kak i nichego plohogo ne skazal:)

ja vot v razdum'jah po grammatike, sequence of tenses, etc. no chego-by tut popravit' - v golovu ne prihodit. a russkij perevod - daaa...

Солвита   29.03.2007 14:52   Заявить о нарушении
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