
A Longwhitecloudland is waiting
Where we are from, we cannot tell
We cannot teach you our language
Soaked with the Earthbound smell

We'll pass as silently as convicts
As shades of angels through the Church
We'll pass through this seduction of loving
Through inner wetlands of our hearts

You see my eyes are those of stranger
You'll never get my final glance
A Longwhitecloudland is waiting
It can't be yours by any chance.

Let's dance, you silly
We've well deserved our share

1991, CD/LP 'Краіна Доўгай Белай Хмары', пераклад тэкста песьні. Музыка - Слава Корань
(c) англіцкая вэрсія - разам з Марыяй Садоўскай.
