I m not a poet, just a girl

I’m not a poet, just a girl
Who dreams of love,
Who dreams of truth.
And I write only what I feel
And there is nothing
I can smooth.

My words are arrows made of gold,
But they don’t have a price on sales.
The person who is smart and bold
Explore with them the knowledge’s dales.

I’m starting my adventure now
I’m asking you to pray for me.
I’m not a poet, just a girl.
But maybe one day I will be.

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I'm not a poet,
Just a girl!
Who dreams of love,
Who has a thought
That you were born
To take my heart,
To be inspirer
Of my art...

I was so lonely,
Then you came,
Filled up my life
With ice and flame,
I've got so many
Different hopes,
That I'm afraid
Of own thoughts!

I'm not a poet,
Want to say -
I have no choiсe,
So, it's my way
To give you explanation of
I'm starting up
To fall in love.

Овечка с Косичками   09.06.2007 07:23     Заявить о нарушении
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