
i hate this stupid world i am inside
i hate this silly love that has its end
i hate myself, my miserable life
i hate that time i've spent to hate

Song goes to all of the ears, that can hear it
World turns to all of the fears, that can fear it
You said - there was a god, that could save us
I say - there was a dirty fuck that made us...

Из авторского. Тоже песни пишу. Жалко играть некому. Заходи, будет время! Приятно читать настоящее...

Вячеслав Аббасов   18.02.2007 21:47     Заявить о нарушении
зайду.. аблизательно!..

Риза Рэйдж   19.02.2007 01:59   Заявить о нарушении