I m looking for...

I’m looking for my guardian angel
he swore to protect me
I know... someday I’ll meet a stranger
of course it will be him

I’m looking for a safe place
where I can hide my soul
where no one knows my face
where I can fool them all

I’m looking for the end of life
it brought me so much pain
the time has come to tell “enough”
I understand... it's all in vain


There's nothing better than a school of life
It often gives us lemons, and we must try to make lemonade from them
I know that it can sound like a Psyco crap, but...
We all have raugh days, when we don't have any desire to go on
But as any thing it has its sicle, no matter what, things are going to be better, sooner or later, we must have a hope in a good light future and never give up trying, 'cause life is precious and priceless

Best regards

Олег Артынов   27.10.2011 01:40     Заявить о нарушении
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