I am gonna tell you a story about friend of mine

I am gonna tell you a story about friend of mine.
There’s not such a thing as a perfect crime.
People ask: “ why wouldn’t he tell it himself”
He sure would, but he is stuck in a cell.

He grew up in a small town called Crows Nest
I guess that why he missed God’s blessing.
Never worry never in trouble
He live happily in this small town

But I guess everything comes to the end
Once a boy he became a man.
Nobody know when and how
But about that, all his small town talkes.

Time passed by he come down a little
But his gal left him sad that he is a cripple.
So, our friend is a hot-blooded man
Very quickly, he came up with a perfect plan.

Went down at night to the Town Hall
When court asked him he said: “It was the Devil’s fault”.
Staying silent in a dark alley
Waiting for his pray like Siberian tiger.

38 caliber is gonna solve it all
Please God forgive me ‘cause it’s the Devil’s fault.
Here she comes not expecting a thing
One big bang and a last hopeless squeal.

Went home after the brutal crime
Had a beer and a little cry.
But it is small town and this was big disappointment
Because next day police schedule him an appointment.

He was pretty confident in his defense
When the guy in glasses presented new evidence.
Tire marks from his four by four
And a bubble gum he chewed before.

After such a huge change
Police excort was prearranged.
So, our character as you can guess
Once free now under arrest.

Spending life behind bars
Blaming love that pushed him so far.
Well, now for, me it’s time to go home
And he don’t know who the Hell is at fault.

September 2, 1996
wrt: Andrey Prudnikov

Это перевод какой-то песни? Если да, то какой?))

Лезарэс   31.01.2007 16:21     Заявить о нарушении
Нет не перевод... просто чтот навеялось однажды :-)

Андрей Прудников   06.02.2007 16:19   Заявить о нарушении