Black Ice

new love song for my fans

They taught me that white is black,
Black is white, wrong is right.
I saw your not real blood
On the black ice. I cried,
It’s only fucking game!’
Why was I afraid
Thinking lie can be true?

Joan, I can’t say, ‘I love You’,
You don’t know me, I don’t know you.
But let my delirium in sad solitude
Be full to the brim with you

You were movie star of late,
Beauty maid, smart and great.
I wanted to make a date
With you yet I just said,
It’s only fucking game!’
Why was I constrained
Trying nothing to do?

Joan, I can’t say, ‘I love You’,
You don’t know me, I don’t know you.
But let my delirium in sad solitude
Be full to the brim with you.

I left Hollywood for long
Time has gone, doubts have flown,
But I don’t forget red tone
Of the black ice… I roar,
It was not only game!’
Today I’m in pain
Crying for wasted youth

Joan, I can’t say, ‘I love You’,
You don’t know me, I don’t know you.
But let my delirium in sad solitude
Be full to the brim with you.

…and fill sweetest dreams with you.
