The ballad by atos

The bride of count de la Fer
Is sixteen old...
Such daintiness manners
In all Provance are not.
Wonderful gaze,gentle morals...
And of the love like drunk the earl.

 ....There is a black pond in count s park
 Lilies are blossom...are blossom

With bride to home goes a brother-
Clengyman yonger
They say that their with sister
Not drow off
Goldfinch is singing,hornes are playing
For marriadge was selcted nice day...
 ....There is a black pond in count s park
 Lilies are blossom...are blossom

The bride of count de la Fer
Became a wife
For respect her was killed an animale wild
The hunting goes in the forest
Hornes are playing..singing birds
 ....There is a black pond in count s park
 Lilies are blossom...are blossom

But what happend with wife?!
Oh,my God!
The hourse fell in passionelety
And count in order to relieve her gasp
Ditect the web of her shoulder
A dress of her weeped independently!
And the brand was on her body...
The execitioner was a
Here lily is blossom!!..
The wife of earl is offender
And her brother is not her
The sister with the brother satamen
They say married
What s count?..Neither husband no dad
Both in the pound...
And the end.....

 ....There is a black pond in count s park
 Lilies are blossom...are blossom...



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