Heart a zero

Heart a zero
Starting up
I empty
Breaking off on a part
I leave home
Well and let all goes
That devil circle closing
That once having lead a hand
Thought heavens I touch
Now all anew and all
I say goodbye slowly closing an eye
Also I smile a teeth not touching
When the spark caresss an eye
Start up burns that spark
Which the death to me will bring
Start up I am taken to pieces
Start up will leave, to return it is impossible
So the commander has told once
And all up to to do up to the end
Though solve
Here not what wreath that of charms
Here all is conceived much earlier
And if to say lies that up to the end
And you unless did not say lies
Attempts of my lies
All the truth had appeared
Now is silent having reflected with heavens
When and with whom have told lies
Then all anew
And so always
And on sand likely soap
In a hand certainly a brush
We so skilfully drew
Green color
Greetings, success...
Now the answer
What for differently.

Я не знаю, где тебя носило всё это время, но я искреене рада твоему возвращению. Жду твоих стихотворений.
С уважением.

Кристина Клочкова   18.02.2007 13:47     Заявить о нарушении