Fated to die

Inspired by “Death”, Dark Moon

Tastes of life can differ
But when time goes by
We all are fated to wither
We all are fated to die

Different ways to go
Different ways to waste
Precious days, although
Hope’s still can be raised

By the end from the beginning
Every instant of joy has price
Wanting to get the deep meaning
You really have to sacrifice

Tastes of life can differ
But when time goes by
We all are fated to wither
We all are fated to die

Excellent poem dear Tanya and I am honored by the dedication. I believe that death is an awakening and we are the creators of what we will awaken to. Death is the begining and not the end. Now, this instant, is when we determine our own destiny in the life that awaits beyond the grave. I believe that we will be greeted and given the same amount of love, kindness, forgiveness and mercy that we have shown to others in our life time. The key to that awakening is faith, hope, and charity. We must believe.

Thank you my dear friend. I have enjoyed your poem so very much.

Hugs Sue

Мэтти Дубоис   14.01.2007 21:22     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you, Sue! I agree that we must believe, but how hard to do it sometimes…I often write verses after reading the poems of others, it also helps to look at the world at little bit different angle than I usually do.

Your friend, Tanya

Мирра Л -Английский   15.01.2007 08:12   Заявить о нарушении
Well I wouldn't dare to say that when He comes for us it will be like certain great awake. I also can't think it'll be a simple transition (or transaction:-)). I think that most depend's on our physical condition, on our mind's state. There are many ways HERE why do you think there's only one certain way FROM HERE. I think that the world's greatest religion's have rational seed's within them, but generally slide on the top. Many things should be taken into consideration and linked. For example Karma has it's instant meaning and when gone one will be "tuned" into the special, individual state that would cause his
unrepeatable trip and special way of merging into global energy sphere

It's a nice topic to discuss (ecpecially being drunk:-))))))))))))
Do your best!!!

Федор Клочков   15.02.2007 17:40   Заявить о нарушении
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