Only rest...

The trained footballer beats the best…
But hoper always have defeat,
As he doesn’t train
But only rest!!!

It is thin supervision and with humour.
How you do it?

Марина Синеглазкина   29.11.2007 00:18     Заявить о нарушении
It isn't my decision
For thin supervision...
I don't decide -
But only write...
Me best wishes to You, Gavriil

Гавриил Иваниченко   29.11.2007 13:46   Заявить о нарушении
Where you so have well learnt English language? It is difficult to write verses in English? I shall not learn so never. With admiration Marina.

Марина Синеглазкина   01.12.2007 00:57   Заявить о нарушении