Fear ebony

Inside myself - inside my cell.
My hands up against a high wall - up against it all.
Day are clear outside but my mind aren’t clear at all.
One time fearless - now terrified,
I am watching in the cracked mirror my steady decline.
What’s the solution to this sickening delusion?
What’s the outcome from the whole evil gone undone?
I don’t know the meaning of the dreams I see,
But my horrible visions gives shivers - makes me want to scream.
Perhaps, I am bewitched - someone put nasty spell on me.
Possessed by the spirits of the dead, I wake up every night in agony.
Presence in the room of the shadows, hidden by the dark,
Leave me no choice but listen beat of the scared heart.
Imagination playing tricks - my mind are gone.
Truth is a really frightening thing - cold sweat freezes me to my bones.
Caught in the choking spider web - tangled into strings of the destiny;
Death never comes alone - she always first send misery.
My fear is growing bigger every day,
This pictures of the terror - I can not sustain.
My burning skin stretched like a string on Devil’s violin,
I hear applause of the jackals and the hyenas.
And I don’t know how long I can stay like this alive.
The FEAR makes me want to leave this hell - makes me want to die.

February 12, 1997
wrt: Andrey Prudnikov
