Magic courses through thy heart.
May the hand be frail and withered
But the will stays diamond hard.
While obscure common sight
Shall not ever reach for more,
Thy blind eyes of misty white
See beyond this world of bore.
Scars and wrinkles on thy face -
Marks from endless faded years,
Not even a slightest trace
Of still breathing life it bears.
Dusk-born, till the edge of morn
Trapped within the circle of stone,
Greedy, hateful flame will burn
Lowly hissing words unknown.
In clay bowl are roughly stirred
Blackened blood and bone meal.
Leaves are glowing, pale and weird
Weeping shades are coming real.
Under stars for peaceful rest
Desperately they have sought,
In the land of distant west
Everbound these souls will rot.
Till the end of time they must
Seek no mercy, call no name,
Hope no future, mourn no past.
Fallen... risen... all the same.
Slowly nightwind madness is
Turning into bloodstained blizzard,
Faint voice whispers in thine ears:
"Not a witch and not a wizard..."
Свидетельство о публикации №106111800281
How do you fight with it?
What are you doing with it..?..
Кейсигрейс 18.08.2007 23:58 Заявить о нарушении
Not all curses can you lift
And not every wound will mend.
Death is mercifully swift,
Pain and torment never end...
Дориан Лемэль 19.08.2007 02:30 Заявить о нарушении