
Mama, yours Tommy is well
He has came back home
He had passed seven rings of hell
But had not found his Rome

He lost many good friends
They didn't manage to stand up again after command “Fair!”
He forgot all beginnings, had chopped off all ends.
He eats that sand, and smelt this air

He sings near with fire the patriotic song
which told that he wins. Our action is right
Oh mama, how he was wrong
And I don’t know the aim of our fight.

In the end of these days, under this blinding light
He realized that he caused much harm
He looked at your photo during dark nights
And he dreamed about your warm arms

You haven’t answered his last letter
And he hastened to know why
He thought that it will be better
But he sow your tomb, and he could only cry

He is a soldier. Machine of die
But he is the same as you,man
Why should he so dearly pay
He as well as you feel a pain can

He wants to see your eyes again
He wants to hear how you read him book
But he feels that he lost his main game
Where are you, mama? You said him ‘’Look

At this sky. There is your father
Looked at him. There sometime we shall meet all
And now he feels very bad rather
When remembered what you told

You are near your father in this blue sky
You have left him. Not having asked his mean
You are happy, and near stars fly
And he asked: “mama, what about me?”

He closed all the doors and took his gun
He believes in this life, and in death he believe
He was same as all.One Usual guy
But he can’t without mother live.
