A Galactic Consciousness

The biggest lie of all is a lie of the death prediction.
You are told that you are a body and you will “die” as a body when the circulation of your blood will stop and your brain will lose its integrity. You are told that there will be “nothing” (but how do you will know that if you cannot perceive anymore). You are told many things about the death and you have seen many pictures making yourself to believe that your death will be like that and this.
You are told.
And as such, without a correct practice to extend and to transcend your self-awareness, you have no knowledge or a correct expectation about that event in your personal life.

Because of that I only can tell you a fairy-tale.
It’s very short, strait to the point as you won’t believe it anyway.

Just look at our Galaxy

The point is that the Galaxy is alive and that all of us are traveling from the center to the rim and back, making definite choices in each life to form the next one. And as an Earth is positioned far away from the center, it has the tendency to make the humans to be aware more of their own body than the spirit or soul so to speak.
And we have simply to choose a better life and to get to the planet closer to the center; all we have to do is a sadhana to separate your body-awareness from self-awareness and, eventually, start to live right now in the spirit instead of the body.
The true experience of your spirit will make your death an impossible, as your perception already will not be localized by your body and the transition into the new life will become a conscious event as for many saints here on this planet, who came to help us.

But even that is not all. If you live in your spirit right now – you will simply see all the planets there in the centre of the Galaxy or near by, just feel its blissful nature, a perfect wisdom and a concrete reasoning to define who you are.

That is all.
