Еще ни капли не потеряно

Не привыкай к себе осеннему.
Проходит все. Пройдет и осень.
Осеннее опустошение
свободу внутреннюю косит
дождями тусклыми размеренно.
Не привыкай. Все есть и будет.
Еще ни капли не потеряно
в осенних беспросветных буднях.

Hi, sweetie! Glad to find you here.

And again, what a wonderful poem! I like it a lot. Honestly. And, you know, I used to feel autumn exactly like this, for a great many years... But now it transpired, that I like autumn. Strangely enough, I found it only a few years ago... When I was younger I would have never thought that I might like autumn... Then I thought that it's quite impossible. And yet here I am. ;))

Anyway, it's nice to see you here, on Stihira.
Must see you again soon. ;)

Чёрный Георг   28.10.2006 03:34     Заявить о нарушении
Hi, Georgie!
If you only knew how precious your word of praise is for me!
As for autumn... I guess it's the first autumn I've come to hate. Hopefully, the last one. Seasons, nature - what've they got to do with our feelings? I feel like a plant oftentimes )
Awfully nice to see you here,

Ирина Каменская   28.10.2006 09:20   Заявить о нарушении
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