You deserve to live

You deserve to live

4 am: Here shows the moon
My, itЎ¦s so gently yellowish.
I know it will dawn soon
For itЎ¦s been so for many years.

7 am: Here comes the sun,
Just like it does each day.
Tonight it looked for u like one
That used to teach me how to pray.

10 am: Here goes an ocean blue -
A glass of water, a caring nurse.
In hospitals one is seen through
Though uttering some spiteful curse.

1 pm: Here changes everything ЎV
From smoking girls to gentlemen.
Buy-sells, cheap deals, another thing
You did not feel before you ate a hen. ѓє

4 pm: Here cooks she dinner.
For whom just God knows clear.
SheЎ¦s nervous, looks a little thinner.
Some time ahead; some words still here.

7 pm: There goes some pal.
He knows exactly why heЎ¦s nice.
Why, ladies fancy him, this gal ЎV
SheЎ¦s just bewitched, but scared of mice.

10pm: Here pops up carefully a ЎKcat!
 A graying Persian for some cream.
Some ugly, oldie filthy pat.
Fie u! Shoo from me, got a brain stream.

1am: There sit you, love u baby, getting blind.
Ah, here, you kiss my bruised lips.
OneЎ¦s drunken look is in my mind
Just leave me dreaming now, give a kiss.

4 am: ThatЎ¦s all folks - lovely 24h.
I wish u baby goodie nightЎK
Hey, hold on pumpkin, life is for
It to live, a crazy, damn it, crazy life!..
