I love you

I love you more, than beautiful flowers,
And all this peaceful world
Is yours and mine, just ours.
I want to tell you just some words:
I love you more, than sunshine,
And you, my love, are just mine.
I want, my dear, you to come
A pretty beam into my life,
And all the world around us
Will be so warm and bright, so warm and bright.
I love you more, than you could think,
Oh dear, have you ever seen
Such love, which can rebuilt the world
With only word, with just one word.
When i saw you, i understood,
That big green forest, huge green wood
Is nothing, when i can see you,
Because i love you,I...

Побольше пиши(те) :) !!!
Удачи во всем и ОГРОМНОЙ ЛЮБВИ!
С уважением, Твой Компас :)

Надежда Борисова   14.10.2006 18:00     Заявить о нарушении
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