Hand in hand We walked...

Hand in hand we walked in snow,
Good and Evil all in one
Who are we – nobody knows,
Different as the Rain and Sun.

Wild, intelligent and restless,
What to choose and whom to be?
A Black Priest and White Priestess,
Are you sure in what you see?

Hand in hand we walked in shadows,
Hiding faces from the light.
Misty moors or grass-green meadows,
Shade or Brightness? Day or Night?

From your birth you make your choices:
Either hate, or to respect.
We are near, hear Our voices!
Go in circles or direct?

Hand in hand We walk, Eternal,
Leading people through their lives.
Humans choose their Roads and Portals,
Telling Truth or only Lies?

Очень хорошо, особенно мне понравилось последнее четверостишие.
Спасибо за хороший стих)

Алина Дружинина   20.12.2007 11:08     Заявить о нарушении