I Always Knew I Once Was A Monkey

Since dawn of humanity I was around.
Jumping on the trees calling myself monkey-beast.
But, today I realized that people walking down street
And their faces different from mine.
I never had been in love until I met you Marry Jane.
So, everything will be all right,
I will open my mouth and will let you inside.
Sun smiling through the cracks in my boarded windows.
Time to get up and make fresh coffee.
Time for me to get it up...
One on one with morning’ dizziness I having conversation.
Preparing my state of mind for a following operation.
Outside birds made a confession to my cat,
No one want to rot when they are gonna be dead.
Last in line, but I will survive.
I will eat provided food.
There - here - where - why - oughta be good.
I am coming back to the three house.
I’ll be among my irresponsible brothers.

March 25, 1997
wrt: Andrey Prudnikov

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Правда были обезьянкой? С улыбкой,ЛИра.:)))

Ирина Леонец   15.08.2007 00:18     Заявить о нарушении
С удовольствием ;-)

Андрей Прудников   20.08.2007 23:49   Заявить о нарушении