Лимерик о Замечательных Свойствах Шведских Дам
Друзей убеждала, что любит гулять – возле морга.
Они ей: “Привет!”
Та – ни слова в ответ... –
Лежит, вызывая у зрителей – бурю восторга.
Свидетельство о публикации №106091801064
No cry
No George
No poems with those exceedingly long lines he used to call limericks but nobody knows why.
Мария Москалева 12.03.2008 16:19 Заявить о нарушении
Чёрный Георг Искусство Танка 13.03.2008 15:40 Заявить о нарушении
Трубадуру, три дня непрерывно исполнявшему Печальную Песнь Для Истомления Сердца
Его дама, которую песнь истомила, как черный перец в носу, и даже паче черного перца
Невзначай (нет, взначай)
В трубадуровский чай
Упаковку миртазапина всыпала, внимания не обратив на надпись: "Антидепрессант. Не излечивает от Weltschmerz'a".
Мария Москалева 15.03.2008 10:39 Заявить о нарушении
You know, I've read quite a few limericks of yours, and several of them were not bad. I think that your main problem is not in keeping their lines rather short (to be honest, their length is immaterial; you try and copy the examples of Edward Lear, as so many English authors English do, but no-one ever calls these verses "a poetry", and I might even have an idea why ;). Anyway, your problem is that your limericks feel flattish, they are too slapstick, "down to the point" but without wittiness or some funny innuendos.
I have a bit different idea as to what limericks should look like; perhaps it goes slightly towards the art of tanka, but I cannot see why they ought to be much different. In tanka the main principle is to create a 3D space which five short lines must open, something with the front plane and the rear plane (or indeed planes). In limericks I prefer to see a similar structure.
Чёрный Георг Искусство Танка 16.03.2008 03:03 Заявить о нарушении
"A delicate and gentle art of never getting there" - it's OK, it's not the kind of art I prefer though. Tanka needs Japanese language, with its Russian-doll-structured words; for Heian ladies it was vitally important to put in a single poem all they needed to say, to hint and to hide. In Russia, in Russian and for non-Japanese-speaking Russians it will remain a good intellectual passtime like cross words, cross point (cross STITCH point) or Rubik's Cube. Good, but - if we speak of art, Tangka has more future, in my opinion.
Мария Москалева 16.03.2008 11:55 Заявить о нарушении
As for limericks, I decided to invite you to be a presenter on limericks' competition on TM, if you won't mind. We were thinking of organizing it for quite some time, but there was a hitch - we didn't have a suitable presenter for it. ;) Would you agree?
About limericks of yours that I liked and disliked - it's a long conversation, let us have it some other time, ok? Well, off the top of my head - the one with Ni, Mo, W, and V is a really good one. ;)
Чёрный Георг Для Постигших Смысл 17.03.2008 07:36 Заявить о нарушении
Мария Москалева 19.03.2008 17:04 Заявить о нарушении
T'was nice talking to you.
Черный Георг 20.03.2008 01:47 Заявить о нарушении