Лимерик о Замечательных Свойствах Шведских Дам

Одна небывалая женщина из Сведенборга
Друзей убеждала, что любит гулять – возле морга.
Они ей: “Привет!”
Та – ни слова в ответ... –
Лежит, вызывая у зрителей – бурю восторга.

No woman
No cry
No George
No poems with those exceedingly long lines he used to call limericks but nobody knows why.

Мария Москалева   12.03.2008 16:19     Заявить о нарушении
I guess that's because nobody ever bothered to set up any restrictions for the length of limericks' lines, so everybody is entitled to extend them as they please.

Чёрный Георг Искусство Танка   13.03.2008 15:40   Заявить о нарушении
Mmm, er, why not?

Трубадуру, три дня непрерывно исполнявшему Печальную Песнь Для Истомления Сердца
Его дама, которую песнь истомила, как черный перец в носу, и даже паче черного перца
Невзначай (нет, взначай)
В трубадуровский чай
Упаковку миртазапина всыпала, внимания не обратив на надпись: "Антидепрессант. Не излечивает от Weltschmerz'a".


Мария Москалева   15.03.2008 10:39   Заявить о нарушении
Well, it WOULD be a limerick had you not broken the rhythmical pattern. ;)

You know, I've read quite a few limericks of yours, and several of them were not bad. I think that your main problem is not in keeping their lines rather short (to be honest, their length is immaterial; you try and copy the examples of Edward Lear, as so many English authors English do, but no-one ever calls these verses "a poetry", and I might even have an idea why ;). Anyway, your problem is that your limericks feel flattish, they are too slapstick, "down to the point" but without wittiness or some funny innuendos.

I have a bit different idea as to what limericks should look like; perhaps it goes slightly towards the art of tanka, but I cannot see why they ought to be much different. In tanka the main principle is to create a 3D space which five short lines must open, something with the front plane and the rear plane (or indeed planes). In limericks I prefer to see a similar structure.

Чёрный Георг Искусство Танка   16.03.2008 03:03   Заявить о нарушении
Quite a few? which ones?
"A delicate and gentle art of never getting there" - it's OK, it's not the kind of art I prefer though. Tanka needs Japanese language, with its Russian-doll-structured words; for Heian ladies it was vitally important to put in a single poem all they needed to say, to hint and to hide. In Russia, in Russian and for non-Japanese-speaking Russians it will remain a good intellectual passtime like cross words, cross point (cross STITCH point) or Rubik's Cube. Good, but - if we speak of art, Tangka has more future, in my opinion.

Мария Москалева   16.03.2008 11:55   Заявить о нарушении
What funny ideas visit you, honestly! ;)) If you want to know my opinion, I don't think that Russian tanka usually look rather poor because of some historical or language reasons. I believe that, perhaps, the intrinsic introverted Japanese anima which indispensably manifests itself in each and every good tanka, and which could very rarely be found in Russian imitations, that's what makes writing tanka in Russian so challenging. ;)) I suppose, the question about one’s proficiency or otherwise with the tongue remains here completely immaterial.

As for limericks, I decided to invite you to be a presenter on limericks' competition on TM, if you won't mind. We were thinking of organizing it for quite some time, but there was a hitch - we didn't have a suitable presenter for it. ;) Would you agree?

About limericks of yours that I liked and disliked - it's a long conversation, let us have it some other time, ok? Well, off the top of my head - the one with Ni, Mo, W, and V is a really good one. ;)

Чёрный Георг Для Постигших Смысл   17.03.2008 07:36   Заявить о нарушении
IMPOSSIBLE. I'm in a very poor Internet conditions first of all. It is an honor for me anyway. Must confess that I am acquainted with the level of stihi.ru limericks, and I know I would end my presentation with running the authors off by virtual kicks in the *ss. In any case, I wish you all the best and sympathize with the presentator. Yes, we will have it some other time.

Мария Москалева   19.03.2008 17:04   Заявить о нарушении
Pity that you don't want. Still. I cannot force you to do it if you don't feel like doing it, can I? ;)
T'was nice talking to you.

Черный Георг   20.03.2008 01:47   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написано 7 рецензий, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.