Mistress of the Endless Night

...sometimes we’re feel deserted...
...sometimes we’re cry...
...sometimes we’re in the dark room all by ourselves,
and that when She comes... appearing out of nowhere.
She comes for those who’s feed on greed,
for those who said to faith: “No”.
She is a cold beauty and a endless pleasure
for those who are under darkness’ dome.
We don’t know what She is
but we throw ourselves in her hands.
Make a pack with our fear
to be a loyal dogs for the Dead Princess.
She is loving and gentle
if you not reject her.
Vibes of her mysterious voice make you go mad,
lifeless and void eyes of the dead.
Weave your body with her in the dance of the joy,
strange reflection on mirror of you writhe alone.
Our mind so easy to read
for those who are free of flesh.
Phantoms of the night bring wraiths,
make us follow blur dreams of the underworld.
Mistress of the Endless Night - She knows
how to use us and the pain that is hidden in our hearts.
She’s everywhere tonight, covering the whole Earth,
waiting for the next wail to show her graceful abuse.

December 22, 1996
wrt: Andrey Prudnikov
