Freeserve 2
Прочитав «Freeserve»,
Заплативши лишние фунты...
Конечно включили,
Интернет искрится
Без бунта.
Кабы так здесь было,
Вполовину уютнее жили.
Ну да ладно.
Один виноватый.
Заплатил я
Лишние фунты.
Уплатил сто десять паршивым.
Телефон они
Не включили...
Лишь бумажки слали другие...
Хороша тут почта,
Из неё
Почти не воруют.
Ну да ладно. Не все
Похитрее кто. По хитрее.
Мозговал увлечь
Размечтался, крутые
В чёрной комнате сыщешь
Твёрдо зная: а нет никого
О свободе прочтений
Про права и свободы
Все права мои,
Да свобода.
В одном действии пребывают.
Заплати свободно!
Навсегда же должен.
Это право первого
Умолчав, свободу умножишь.
More connections. More pot
Your account and bill number LW 5887 6572 L005 Z&
HA2 OQF 63712
21 December 2003
If you have a query please see reverse for our contact details.
BT Together Option 1
Bill for 020 8422 3478
Total now due
Please make sure we receive the total now due by 28 December 2003
This bill is for calls made between 1 December 2005 and 2 December 2003
BT Together Option 1
The 6p hour plan
Don't forget you can make UK calls for just 6p for up to an hour per call at evenings and weekends.
For more information see BT Update. Monthly charge and exclusions apply. See terms and conditions.
This page is not a tax invoice.
* You can find details of how to pay overleaf.
* If appropriate, fill in the details on this payment slip.
* Please don't send cash by post.
* Please quote 'Your account number' below on correspondence or remittance advices.
bank giro credit
Cashier's stamp and initials
Your account number LW58876572
Total now due
8944 0151 5887 6572 0051 2005
HSBC Bank pic
Head Office Collection Account
Please do not fold, pin or staple this slip; or write below this line.
03 LW 58876572 L005 Z8
3LW58876572L005 447662+ 73
a wanadoo company
Mr Anatoly Chliakhov 32 Osmond Close HARROW Middlesex HA2 OQF
January 2004
You've nothing to lose by keeping hold of your Freeserve No Ties pay as you go account
Dear Mr Chliakhov,
We were very sorry to get your call the other day, and hear you're cancelling your Freeserve AnyTime account. But we really don't want to let you go for good without giving you something to hang on to, just in case of emergencies...
And that's why we're so glad we can remind you about email and Internet access with Freeserve No Ties pay as you go.
Like all the best safety equipment, it's easy and quick to use, and it's always there when you need it. Best of all, your Freeserve No Ties pay as you go account is ail set up for you, ready to use, right now, because you've already been a Freeserve Member.
It's this simple:
• there's no contract to tie you in
• no monthly fee - and you don't need a credit card either
• you can use the Internet as little or as often as you want, from as
little as 1p a minute*. And you only pay for your time online
• you can go online with any telephone provider - not just BT
• you can keep your existing Freeserve email address
By hanging on to your Freeserve No Ties pay as you go account, you'll still be able to take advantage of Freeserve Rewards, as well as all the other benefits of being with the UK's No. 1 Internet Service Provider.
Just load up the CD we've enclosed to install your Freeserve No Ties pay as you go account settings today, using the simple steps on the back of this letter. After all, you've nothing to lose by hanging on to some back-up from Freeserve, and you never know when you might need it.
One day, you could even find it's a bit of an online lifesaver. Yours sincerely.
Keith Hawkins
Managing Director, Consumer
* BT standard evening and weekend 0845 local call rate from 1p per minute. For 0845 local call rates, please check with your Telephone Service Provider.
a wanadoo company
Installing your Freeserve No Ties pay as you go account
1. Put the enclosed CD into your computer's CD drive.
2. Select either the 'Retrieve my account' option in the left hand menu,
or 'Already a Freeserve customer? Install your existing Freeserve
account on this PC option from the bottom of the screen and follow
the instructions.
3. On the Account Retrieval page, click on the 'No Ties' button.
4. On the next page, enter your old Freeserve email address and
password, and follow the instructions to install your No Ties settings.
If you've forgotten either your Freeserve email address or password,
please call us on 0870 872 0099*
You never know when you'll need it
21 December 2003
Your account and bill number LW 5887 6572 L005 Z&
Your phone number 020 8422 3478
Summary and detail
This is your combined bill summary and detail. Calls are fully itemised. The main totals are listed for easy reference in the summary tables.
Bill totals Cost of calls 132.67
Your benefits 0.00
I his is a summary of your main bill totals, •*
together with where to find information of VAI 23 4 A.
each total total 155.88
sec below see page 4 seepage 4
Cost of calls
These are the totals for all your calk.
These totals take account of your reduced coll rates.
Type of call Total number of calk Total duration Total cost
Premium rate 12 01:33:42 119.488 calls shown in next table
Lo-call 14 13:29:28 13.185 calk shown in next table
This is your call detail. See the Phone Date Time Destination Called number
Book or www.btcom/Prlting for definitions lDec 10:25 Local Rate 0845 6091351
of type of call lDec 10:52 Premium Rate , 09O9O 274320
1 Dec 11:29 Local Rate 0845 9891351
118 sen/ices are available from various 1 Dec 13:11 Premium Rate 09090 274321
suppliers. BT is responsible for 118500. 1 Dec 13:21 Local Rate 0845 6091351
118707,118S05 and 118404. 1 Dec 14:03 Local Rate 0845 6091351
lDec 14:12 Locat Rate 0845 6091351
Queries relating to other services should 1 Dec 15:54 Premium Rate 1 296000
be addressed directly to the service lDec 16:01 Local Rate Q845 6091351
provider in question. lDec 18:06 Premium Rate 09096 550021
1 Dec 18:15 Local Rate 0845 6091351
1 Dec 18:59 Local Rate 0845 6091351
lDec 21:15 Premium Rate 09090 294049
1 Dec 21:29 Premium Rate 09090 294049
1 Dec 21:43 Premium Rate 09090 294049
1 Dec 21:58 Premium Rate 09090 294049
1 Dec 22:24 Local Rate 0845 6091351
lDec 22:59 Premium Rate 09090 274320
2 Dec 00:01 Local Rate 0845 6091351
2 Dec 00:02 Premium Rate O909O 294049
2 Dec 00:04 Premium Rate 09090 294049
2 Dec 00:05 Premium Rate 09090 294049
2 Dec 00:08 Local Rate 0845 6091351
2 Dec 00:18 Local Rate 0845 6091351
2 Dec 02:42 Local Rate 0845 9091351
2 Dec 04:19 Local Rate 0845 6091351
Type of call Duration Cost
Lo-call 00:26:53 0.685
Premium 00:12:39 16.141
Lo-call 01:14:5^ 1.908
Premium 00:09:58 12.704
Lo-call 00:39:36 1.010
Lo-call 00:07:40 0.195
Lo-call 01:41:38 2.591
Premium 00:02:5^ 3.692
Lo-call 02:04:55 3.076
Premium 00:00:53 1.125"
Lo-call 00:27:42 0.235
Lo-call 02:15:53 1.155
Premium 00:13:45 17.546
Premium 00:13:41 17.465
Premium 00:13:46 17.556
Premium 00:lO:40 13.595
Lo-call 00:34:06 0.290
Premium 00:11:56 15.215
Lo-call 00:01:02 0.042
Premium 00:02:16 2.890
Premium 00:00:31 0.657
Premium 00:00:43 0.905
Lo-call 00:05:19 0.045
Le-call 00:07:07 0.060
Lo-call 01:36:38 0.821
Lo-call 02:06:10 1.072
Total 132.673
page 3 of 4
Post Office Ltd.
12/I2/E003 09:37 CftP :38 BP:01 SU:BD
South Harrow FAD: 0140201
259/261 Northolt Road
Checksum: HHG39
APS No: 030937
Client: BT Paynent Card
Scheme: For your BT phone bill Svc: 1
Token Type: HC Entry: 2
Ref: 8944000016036440318
Amount: 110.28 Cash
This is not a VAT receipt
Post Office Ltd.
E8/01/E0Q4 09:43 CAP-.44 BPsOl SU:DD
South Harrow FAD: 0140E01
S59/E61 Hortholt Road
Checksum: PWJ3R
flPS No: 050163
Client: BT Paynent Card
Scheae: For your BT phone bill Svc: 1
Token Type: MC Entry: S
Ref: 8944000016036440318
Amount: 155.88 Cash
This is not a VAT receipt
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