Dear Madonna

I'm taking pen, and starting write
Your songs are always been like guide
Your voice always makes me sing with you
I don't know why your lyrics make me do it
This song is for you, Mrs. Ritchie
I hope you are not now bitchy
I have a lot of posters with you on my wall
Madonna means superstar and she's best of all

Dear Madonna,
Your best fan dares to write you like this
When I see you on MTV I blow you a kiss (Catch it!)
I admire the most what you do on the scene
Nobody was like you've always been
It's unbelievable how one Bay City’s girl could rule whole world
In '83 you did impossible, you worked a lot
But at the end what you wanted you just got it
Your songs became a legend, ain't them?
By this letter I don't make you write me back
I hope I won't be in a jam
I hope you will listen again 'n' again to this track
I hope you'll love it, I'm trying for you
This is my way how I'm telling you that I like what you do
I like the most your album “Erotica” '92
“I'll hit you like a truck, Give it up, I’ll teach you how to”
What about your book Sex, I love it
I read it when I was fifteen, I was mad about sex
What a pity that I can’t read books you'll write next
I like the most a chapter when you're dreaming
That you're lying on the beach completely naked, and then you're screaming
Girl satisfies you, than because of orgasm “juice” is streaming
You were both fucking, naked and two gleaming
If I were a man, I wonder how I'll be treating
But I'm downloading now your new song “Hung up”
Your songs are like a drug, I'll never give it up
I think I will listen to it 'till I exhaust
This is my sacred clause
I think you'll write me back, but it's only maybe
Your best fan, it's Phoebe


Dear, Louise!
It's me again, your fucking fan
I want to tell you something extremely important
That you'd better know, I'm not gonna tend
To exaggerate your talent, and your skill
I haven't decency and I dare to say what I feel
I feel a lot of immense deference to you
I don't know why, I don't know what to do
I think you just have a lot of hidden ability
To force people to do what you need,
Your power is an eternal mobility
You've always been in the lead
I remember you in Dolce & Gabbana
Everybody has fucking talks about you
That's why your name's Madonna
That's why whole world's mad about you
Now you live in high life
You are loving wife, you have kids
And in your nightmares you remember all your beads
Of sweat and blood, that you've sacrificed
Can you remember all your forsaken guys?
Oh, maybe it's not my business
But I’m not gonna miss this
Can you respect me after what you’ve heard?
Can I be free with you like a bird?
Could I dare to say what I’ve said?
But I’ve read a lot of books about you
I can say that I am fucking mad about you
I hope you liked my ‘Bad girl’ and ‘Hollywood’
Don’t tell me that it’s just good
You’re all may think it’s like Eminem’s Stan, you may
Madonna, it’s all from heart, your fan, PJ


Dear Madonna,
You know that people can hate you, or love you
It’s not your fault that they can feel it to you
But no one man could ever insult you in my hearing
It’s unacceptably for me, I cannot bearing it
Oh, fuck, I must confess your ‘Confessions on a dance floor’
Are the best thing that I ever heard in this year, maybe before
And now America can sleep well, Madonna said she loves New York
For somebody all my words can be fitted with a lock, you’re just dork
But you should know, Ciccone, you inspired me to write songs, to be a singer
I don’t give a fuck if someone doesn’t like what I do, look at my middle finger
You are like my fucking idol; you are my damn American Dream
I hope nobody was for you as I am being
Forgive me if I said something wrong
But I kept it in my soul for long
I don’t want to keep inside it anymore
You deserve these words; you’ve never heard this before
I’m reluctant to stop writing to you; it’s nonsense
And you know that nobody will ask you: “Where’s your brilliance?”
I can’t bring myself to let me forget what you’ve said
It’s my own words, you can like it or not
I hope it’s not bitchy, I guess it was my shot
It was my chance, it was your mad glance, oh God
I’m rotting without your lyrics, without your voice
Every time when I’m hearing it I fucking rejoice
And you must listen to me, you have no choice

Chorus x2
