just what it is...

It has been so very many times, that I spoke these words to others in a ghostly shade of hope to sooth and, may be, calm a bit the surging grief out... now I'm mumbling it all to myself as an inelaborate gentle prayer, only to find ... it helps?!

When thine soul speaks, words sound so very unimportant... and yet:

"...as our dearest and beloved go... and we give way to mourning and lamentation... it is not them that we feel our sorrow for - we actually pity our presious little selves... feeling hopelessly lost and deserted, for we suddenly realize that from now on we may never find someone as kind and caring, wise and loving as to give us a quick stroke on the head... or, at need, a tiny piece of keen counsel, to keep us happy... Yet those, who are no more on this crazy Earth, shall ever live in our heart and head... Being far beyond our reach and understanding, they still guard and guide us through the rest of our lives..."

So, let us now live in a way to make others pity themselves, when they see us off to our last earthly home... Let us raise our glasses in our third toast to... successful continuation of our hopeless enterprise, ever bearing so loud a name - Life...

AZ Sine Anno
