Из англ. дет. поэзии Плывет по морю шхуна...
Плывет она вперед,
Чудесные подарки
Из дальних стран везет.
В каютах — апельсины,
А в трюме — леденцы,
Ведут ее мышата —
Они канаты тянут
И ставят паруса,
Над ними солнце светит,
Смеются небеса.
Мышатами командует
Их капитан — Гусак.
Он опытный, бывалый,
Испытанный моряк.
Из книги «Рифмы матушки Гусыни»
A ship, a ship a-sailing,
A-sailing on the sea,
And it was deeply laden
With pretty things for me;
There were raisins in the cabin,
And almonds in the hold;
The sails were made of satin,
And the mast it was of gold.
The four-and-twenty sailors
That stood between the decks,
Were four-and-twenty white mice
With rings about their necks.
The captain was a duck, a duck,
With a jacket on his back,
And when this fairy ship set sail,
The captain he said, "Quack!"
From the book “Mother Goose rhymes”
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