Из англ. дет. поэзии На светлой стороне Луны...

На светлой стороне Луны,
Ни тут,ни там, ни тут, ни там,
Жил очень добрый человек —
Он звался Эйкин Драм.
Играл он на вилках, играл он на ложках
На блюдцах, тарелках, кастрюлях и плошках.
А люди любили на это смотреть
И песни пытались под музыку петь.
Он шляпу носил из швейцарского сыра,
Ботинки — из лучшего в мире пломбира.
Рубаха была из ломтя ветчины,
Из мягкого белого хлеба — штаны.
Носки — из сосисок, печеных на гриле,
На куртке застежки из пряников были,
А куртка сама — из огромного торта,
И все это самого высшего сорта.
Какой молодец
Эйкин Драм!

На темной стороне Луны,
Ни там, ни тут, ни там, ни тут,
Жил очень вредный человек —
Он звался Вилли Вуд.
Играл он на бритвах, ножах, пистолетах,
На саблях, секирах, рапирах, стилетах.
Никто не хотел с Вилли Вудом играть,
А встретив, скорей норовил убежать.
Тогда он от злости съел шляпу из сыра,
Ботинки — из лучшего в мире пломбира.
Рубаху он съел из ломтя ветчины,
Из мягкого белого хлеба — штаны.
Носки — из сосисок, печеных на гриле,
И пряники съел отвратительный Вилли!
Но торт он огромный не смог проглотить…
И скоро его пришлось хоронить.
Поделом ему!

                Из книги «Рифмы матушки Гусыни»


There was a man lived in the moon, lived in the moon, lived in the moon
There was a man lived in the moon,
And his name was Aiken Drum.
And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle
And he played upon a ladle,
And his name was Aiken Drum.

And his hat was made of good cream cheese, of good cream cheese, of good cream cheese,
And his hat was made of good cream cheese
And his name was Aiken Drum.

And his coat was made of good roast beef, of good roast beef, of good roast beef,
And his coat was made of good roast beef,
And his name was Aiken Drum.

And his buttons made of penny loaves, of penny loaves, of penny loaves,
And his buttons made of penny loaves,
And his name was Aiken Drum.

His waistcoat was made of crust of pies, crust of pies, crust of pies,
His waistcoat was made of crust of pies,
And his name was Aiken Drum.

His breeches were made of haggis bags, of haggis bags, of haggis bags,
His breeches were made of haggis bags,
and his name was Aiken Drum.

There was a man in another town, another town, another town,
There was a man in another town,
And his name was Willy Wood;
And he played upon a razor, a razor, a razor,
And he played upon a razor,
And his name was Willy Wood.

And he ate up all the good cream cheese, good cream cheese, good cream cheese,
And he ate up all the good cream cheese,
And his name was Willy Wood.

And he ate up all the good roast beef, good roast beef, good roast beef,
And he ate up all the good roast beef,
And his name was Willy Wood.

And he ate up all the penny loaves, penny loaves, penny loaves,
And he ate up all the penny loaves,
And his name was Willy Wood.

And he ate up all the good pie crust, good pie crust, good pie crust,
And he ate up all the good pie crust,
And his name was Willy Wood.

But he choked upon the haggis bags, haggis bags, haggis bags,
But he choked upon the haggis bags,
And that ended Willy Wood.

                From the book “Mother Goose rhymes”
