to luigi... con amore

Hey ,you , there in warm Palermo
I am glad you understood me right
As if not that’d be inferno…

Moscow is sinking in rains,
I wonder where’s the sun
While catching trains…
You see, I’ve just understood
It shines for the whole world…
For the Sicilians, English and Russians…
It shines and it’s everlasting eye-witness
Of lives, loves and wonders:
One wonder I expect it to make
Is to be an envoy
To send with the winds through clouds
Thanking you my voice…

As it sings in thousands of songs
I just want to thank you
For giving your smiles and hugs
And simply for existence of you.

Thank your parents for your kind heart
Thank the Faith for everything it’s done
Thank yourself for being meaningful
Thank yourself for not being a fool...
