he s the sweetest thing

he's the sweetest thing when he's singing
velvet eyes, lips soft as a flower
with that look he might be winning
my heart for an hour

he's the sweetest thing when he plays his guitar
they say a good man is so hard to find
but a hard man is so good to find
is what i've learnt so far

he's the sweetest thing in this city
walking down that lonely street
and i think to myself it's a pity
i'm not looking for anything sweet

Wow! That's beautiful! Looks like lyrics for some song.
I think your poem is the sweetest thing for him!
Best wishes, Artem.

Макс Пэйн   23.03.2007 19:31     Заявить о нарушении
thanx and welcome :)) it's never good unless its bitter though..
best regards,

Лена Ремизова   23.03.2007 19:49   Заявить о нарушении
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