
That oddly fair October Night
Wore sullen shades of black and white,
She brought back memories and pang
To tease and torment him again.

He wandered in her maze of grey
His vision blurry, mind astray.
The real world had lost its grip -
He fell unwittingly to sleep...

...Awakened by his own scream
of torture. As a wave of vim
Swept over him, a bolt of fear
Ran through his heart -
the end was near.

Cruel runes were cast
and weirdly shaped
Ill-boding triad sealed his fate.
The keen-edged shards of crystal heart
Were shattered, crumbled, torn apart.

Moonsilver streams towards the door
And thickening blood drops stain the floor
Of empty room lost in a dream
Where ever-midnight reigns supreme.


Hope this nighmare never tortured you again. There is always Someone who loves you whatever happens.

Good luck!

Елена Васильева-Сол   07.10.2006 16:38     Заявить о нарушении
Ahh, this was written about a year ago. The nightmare is long since over but honestly I'd prefer it to boredom of "normal life", this prison of comfortable lonelyness.

Pain gives you an edge to write something unusual. But tragedy of this life is that no pain lasts forever.

Дориан Лемэль   09.10.2006 17:38   Заявить о нарушении
Should you always be driven by pain? Or to be more precise should you always strive for something unusual??
Relatively ordinary things expressed in simple words but born by the heart may sometimes impact the others significantly (e.g. Hammingway)while the "unusual" things may leave the people indifferent.
But if you really enjoy pain, if it helps you to express yourself, let it be pain. And it is always up to a person if it stays with him forever or leaves him the next moment.
I start to enjoy our dialogue, Dorian. Do you?

Елена Васильева-Сол   11.10.2006 16:50   Заявить о нарушении
No, not always, far from that actually. But pain is a powerful feeling, even if not pleasant. It's stronger than love and hate, for both die with time passing and pain remains.

There's also certain difference between what I write and what I publish. Some works are just too personal and would they appear here, they'd be criticized as "weak". (Well, weak they probably are but for me it just doesn't matter in those cases.)

About unusual, it's a hard question. First, I can't dub Hemingway's experience as "usual", especially if compared to mine. I've never seen a real war at my own doorstep to start with. (Not that I long for it but still.) Second, there were many classical poets who wrote about things quite unusual and pain driven. Not very likely that you'll something like Shakespeare's "Hamlet" next door. (No, I'm not trying to count myself to Shakespeare or Blake. Not at all.) Third, I very well can be not talented enough for "simple words".

P.S. Sorry for not answering earlier. I was a bit ill.

Дориан Лемэль   10.11.2006 11:25   Заявить о нарушении