The Lady for the black mission - 3

Part 3: "Lady, keep in mind..."

There`s a special centre in Ter Apel -
to pick up the rabble
and send it out.
- Listen, Lady,
it will be quite a show on your ground!

- Lady, you manufacture hell on earth;
and we must accept this way
as it is going, you say.

- You wish us all to go home
because, you say,
there`s no room for us inside your hole.

- You`re deaf to our plaintive cries;
you`re blind to our helpless state,
to a deep shock in our eyes.

- You push us to the limit,
waiting when we break,
threatened by shadows at night
and exposed hurt and helpless "in the light".

- You ought to stand your own ground
and cut the ground
from under our feet.

- And when you gain a victory at last,
you will be a superstar
for the Rights wing;
we - asylum seekers - will be victims!

- Come on, Lady!
go on,
help me to complete the song!

- But only, Lady, keep in mind:
you play your game with ones
who already don`t have anything to lose
but...their own lives!

July 2004
