Write me more

I wait for your letters every day.
I am in the captivity of them.

Your letter is for me
like a beam of the sun,
like hope for our reunion,
like an elixir of life
for my broken heart.

Write me more,
so that I might know
that our separation despite
our hearts are so near
as two hands,
as two wings,
as two flower-petals.

I am without you
like a boat without oars,
like a bird without wings,
like a tree without the roots.

Please, write me more.

16 November 2005

Стихи на английском это прекрасно...Вот вам,мое:

I haven’t ever heard about your wings
They’re fake, they can’t be real, you’re not an angel
Blue eyes, you have, charmed me last sunny spring
You’re little witch, you’ve made my soul so empty
My heart beats faster, when I see your face
I want to touch you, but I can’t do this
You’re like a dream, I haven’t augured yet
But when you smile, I can’t even breath
You’re the dearest person in my life
You’re my treasure, all my heart is yours
But you don’t need it, you’re twilight’s wife
And your heart closed for me by many doors
You say you like to fly deeply at night
When world, like faithful dog, lies at your legs
By wings- extremely big, extremely white
But I think broom should be one of your tags
I can imagine, how your golden curls
Just flutter freely in the gloomy sky
While I locate between four concrete walls
Articulate your name and slowly die

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