No Go

No start - no "green light" -
No flapping wings - no flight -
No inkling of motion -
No "go-ahead" - no promotion -

No mood - no peace of mind -
No end of sufferings in sight -
No road - no roundabout way -
No means to save the day -

No right to work - no right to LIVE -
No right to choose - in brief:
"No go" - no hope flicker -
I`m an outcast asylum seeker.

26 June 2005

So many "noes"...
Trere's always a way out.
Even if you're eaten you have two of them...
With best regards,

Альфия Ялышева   15.06.2006 18:10     Заявить о нарушении
There are a lot of "noes" in the situation of an outcast
asylum seeker indeed. But I did not mean in the verse that
there were no way out! And "no hope" is some hyperbole.
I`ve never lost hope - I write about it in my verse "Waiting".

With best regards,

Игорь Статус   15.06.2006 20:20   Заявить о нарушении