Another day

Another day I'm sad again
Can't heal my broken heart
My memories are mind chasing
And tears are streaming down

As all the heavens were bells
Our feelings were the stars
On crying heart so many chains
They link in bloody scars…

Another day along I pray
My soul needs balsam
It’s as a lily on a grave
Is dieing in the dawn

No one from us was obligated
To love and be in love
For feelings once be recollected
The way's just known by God!

Another day I feel the pain
We’re distant and apart
I don’t see there any way
For both of us get back

Who’s the artist of your portray
That’s trembling in my mind,
Who made the memories, I have,
By a powerful divine ?

Another lonely day I face
You are yet in my eye
I can’t forget you or replace
It’s better if I die

We spent so many blessing days
It’s never been enough
And even now life isn’t great
There'll be a chance for love

No, Not at all! I am not insane
Another Day will come
I’ll toast the shine of life again
All sorrows ‘ll be gone

жива здорова?
С любовью С

Сергей Кудашов   16.06.2006 10:10     Заявить о нарушении
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