
damn! that was my last cigarette
damn! i forgot i don't even smoke
damn! once upon a time a had a heart
you must remember it - it's the one you broke

damn! 5 in the morning. still no sleep
and not a single thought but of you
i'd give my all to get my memory erased
maybe then i'll find better things to do

than crying out but keeping a smile on my face
and pretending everything is okay
damn! can't i just be happy like everybody else?
is loneliness encoded by my DNA?

damn! i'm not supposed to hate you
'cause i still love you after all you've done
damn! i hate the thought of still loving you
after all that you have done

6 in the morning. wonder if you're awake
where are you now? who's in your arms today?
damn you sir for giving up on me
that was the last time love ever came your way
