
I see again
Their dear faces, and it's hard...
I feel this pain,
It's strongly damaging my heart,
And bitter tear
Is slowly running from my eye.
My life is fear,
But in my heart they'll never die!

I see this nightmare every day,
But why is it? - Nobody say!
I hate when people go away,
But can not change it anyway...

I'm feeling sad.
Why so? I do not understand!
My mind is dead,
And I desire to leave this land.
But time is slow,
It can not run and can not fly.
Its cycled flow
Dooms me to live my awful life...

(Niello & Aggressor)

Хех, а яж Вовчик помню это дело, ты мне скидывал оооочень давно 8) Приятно здесь увидеть Кошмар...

Соулмэйт Соулин   30.08.2006 20:41     Заявить о нарушении
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