Shall I?

Shall I open my heart now?
Shall I show you my dawn star?
Shall we live as a part of a crowd
Or we’d better to leave love? So far…

Shall I tell you how sun’s melting?
Shall we walk through the sky’s face?
Shall we think over lies? Felt we?
Love was dark as a hell race.

Shall I live? – Why don’t you answer?
Shall I die? – Why are you so cold?
Shall I?.. No. With the Death dancing
You’ve forgotten my cursed world.


I liked it indeed. Especially "shall I".
It's up to reader to decide whether it is an auxiliary or modal verb. It seems to me modal...
With best regards,

Альфия Ялышева   18.06.2006 13:09     Заявить о нарушении
With no doubts the verb is a modal one. ;-) Actually I consider my english poems to be rather feeble - but anyway thank you kindly.

Best wishes,
Hathor /Хатор/ - as you like ;-)

Хатор   19.06.2006 18:15   Заявить о нарушении
Вот и поговорили...
У меня PROMT переустанавливать надо...
С временным сожалением

Александр Вассар   19.06.2006 19:08   Заявить о нарушении